Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm not writing about 2015 Resolutions

I promised (myself) that I would write about what I was going to do better in 2015 because "everyone else" does it. But when it come down to it, writing it down helps keep you accountable, right? Right. So here we are.

I read a really great article on Entrepreneur about 8 daily habits that will make 2015 "explosive." So far, I'm buying it. I wouldn't call these things "resolutions" though. Because sometimes I consider those good for a year, even if I've said I would start to think positively more, or work out more. Again, it's the beginning of the year and we have the best of intentions. But, turning those "resolutions" into gosh-darn habits is what's really going to make them work.

New Year means the start of something good, forever... 
Today I'm going to share with you the first half of the daily habits. They're so good that I don't want to overcrowd one post with all of them. Try these on for size the next few days/week and see how it goes. Then, come back and read the next four and we'll see how we can all get better at those. 

Here are four of the eight daily habits: 

1. Get up early
This is actually something I decided to do after New Years, not as a resolution, but to start making a habit out of it. So far I've last 4 days getting up at 6:30 and I'm really liking it. Before I think I was getting too much sleep, sometimes waking up anywhere between  6:45 and 7:10. 6:30 isn't too bad anymore, especially when I know it's coming about 10-15 minutes after Mr. K leaves the room.
So how would I rate this on a scale of 1-10, me liking this idea: 10/10. It's working, and I'm excited to continue it. 

2. Read
Doesn't matter what, but read 20-30 minutes a day. For me, this includes the Express newspaper for the first 20 minutes on the metro ride in, and then the book I've downloaded on my Kindle Fire for the rest of the ride to and from work. I've got both the global intellectual read down and the "let me let my mind wonder for the next hour" down pat. 
Rating: 8/10

3. Exercise
Ahhhhh. This one. Gets me every time. I'm trying... so hard! I just bought a yoga Groupon yesterday in hopes of really getting my blood pumping. I tried starting Insanity a couple weeks ago, but got so discouraged because I just couldn't keep up. I'm not used to it being so hard. But that's what I get when I don't work out in 7+ months. What's wrong with me? I'm hoping yoga will bring me back and motivate me to at least do the recommended 30 minutes a day. SOMETHING at least. Stay tuned on this one. So far, my likeness score is 2/10, but my desire score is an 11/10. 

4. Practice Gratitude
Man, this can be a hard one sometimes, can't it? I've tried to do this a lot more recently, and when I catch myself doing the opposite, I bring myself back. But that's the beauty of this journey. Practicing gratitude is just that... practice. It's not going to become ingrained in you over one night. or even a week. You have to constantly be conscious of yourself and your thoughts. 

One thing that has started to work for me, or rather two things at that: one, try writing down one thing each night that you're thankful for before you go to bed. If it's one of those days and you're in a funk and you can't think of anything else except "I'm thankful that I didn't forget my winter hat this morning," than write it. 

Secondly, instead of asking your significant other, your parents, your children, "how was your day?" Ask them "what made you happy today?" or "what are you grateful for that happened today?" This stimulates more conversation, BETTER conversation, and a deeper sense of thought. Don't forget to ask yourself the same question though... what AM I grateful for today? 

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