Monday, April 28, 2014

We Moved!

So I know I'm a little late (ok, really late) posting our move-in pictures, but it's been a crazy (extremely fun & exciting) three (edited: four) weeks since we moved in.

Our Closing Journey
I have to say though, closing (or rather the days leading up to closing) weren't all smooth sailing. We were told by numerous people to NOT plan on moving the same day as Settlement. We decided to go against all recommendations, and went ahead and scheduled our move with Two Marines Moving for the same time as Closing, 11am Friday 4/4. Well, that week came, Wednesday came and went and we still hadn't heard from the Title company as to how much we owed them. My grandmother, our Realtor, said that was pretty unusual, as she usually hears from the company at least 2 days in advance. This put us in quite the predicament because we didn't know how much money we should pull out and have with us at Closing. Well, Thursday came, 2pm came around and we were told that Fannie Mae's computer system went down earlier in the week and there was a huge backlog of paperwork (you mean we're not their only clients?), so our closing time would inevitably be pushed back. Luckily, it was only 2 hours, so we pulled out what we had estimated we'd need and we could hardly wait for Friday!

Friday morning, the re-walk went fine. Most of the little things had been fixed, the hardware in the kitchen had been swapped out, leaving me happier and more pleased (if that was even possible) than I had been before! Off to Panera we went to kill some time and eat breakfast, then HH Gregg to buy a washer/dryer (was delivered Saturday!). Then, out to Closing we went! It went so well, and very quickly too. With keys in hand, we were off to pop a bottle of champagne in our new home. It was quite the afternoon, and following our quick celebration, we were back to the apartment to celebrate with my parents at happy hour, and finish packing.

Packing Up, Moving Out
Ok, so we had a lot more stuff than we thought. That's the story. There's really no other way to say it. But Two Marines Moving played an amazing game of Jenga had happened to fit it all (plus more that we gave them at the last minute that didn't fit into our car) into the truck. Out to the house we all went and unloading the truck went very smoothly. No dings in the walls, no scratches, no battle wounds.

You really don't care about all of this, do you?! Here are the latest move-in photos from the house! We've since put in furniture on all floors. I already have a few entries in the queue for this week displaying what we've done in the last four weeks, so check back later!

Hey Mr. K!

dining room


living room 
living room



close up

butler's pantry

stairs downstairs



stairs upstairs

front right room

laundry room

front left room


master bath

back yard pre-sod

front yard during-sod

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Recycling Bins Ordered!

I don't have a huge announcement to make or incredible update, so I thought I'd share the little things we've been accomplishing this week as we prepare for our move:

Transferring cable - it's been a bigger pain than we thought since we were hoping to keep our current bill, but alas, of course it's more. Fingers crossed they can come and install on Sunday! In the meantime, we're thinking we'll only be keeping cable through the baseball season and then get rid of it. We don't watch enough channels to make it worth it. We have a our 5 channels we cycle through: ESPN, HGTV, Food Network, ION, and then basic cable like ABC, NBC and CBS. So come Fall, it will probably be gone.

Recycling Bins - I ordered those through MoCo this morning. I should have done it earlier this week but it really just got away from me. Oh well, we'll have PLENTY of boxes to put our recycling in until then!!

Speaking of boxes... Packing - UGH! We ran out of boxes so when I go to pick up the car tonight at my parents' house, I'll be picking up even more boxes. We realized that the last time we moved, we didn't have all of the big appliances that we received for the wedding. So those take up a lot of space. And, really, it's both of our stuff this time instead of just one person. It hasn't been dreadful though like packing usually is because quite frankly,  this is a very exciting move. It's our own home, and we know we won't be moving again in a year, so it's been a little more manageable. We also know that we have more space to put things so it's not all in the living room like it was in our apartment. AND, we have two more weeks before we officially have to be out of our apartment, so if need be, which there probably will be, we'll come back to the apartment and grab the things that we couldn't take. "Aren't you hiring movers?" you ask. Yes, we are. But since we've run out of boxes, and there are a couple of things we're taking ourselves, we may need to come back.

Anyhow, fingers crossed we get the settlement email from the Title company sooner rather than later today, letting us know what our final balance is. Our Realtor (my grandmother) mentioned yesterday that she's only come across this once or twice, that the Title company waits until the last minute to send over the information. Usually she has it 2-3 days before settlement. It's making us nervous, no doubt, because we need to be able to pull out that money out before EOD, because there is not much time between our re-walk tomorrow morning and Settlement. So, keep you fingers and toes crossed for us too!!

We have lots planned for this weekend after we move, so I'll be sure to post some pictures throughout the process!!