About Us

 First of all, welcome to our blog! We created this blog to document our journey through building our dream house and the first years of our marriage. Along the way, we expect to uncover lots of fun things about moving from the city back out to the 'burbs, about ourselves, and what it truly means to be a homeowner. 

Bald Head Island, May 2010

A bit about us: 

We met in college in 2008 - Mr. K, a knowledgeable and handsome senior, bound for a job in DC; and myself as a junior, unexpectedly meeting the man of my dreams. We met in the restaurant part of the bar on campus, playing a round of cards. He had me laughing from the moment he sat in the booth to play with us, so I knew I would be in for a fun ride with him. Fast-forward a few years, we got engaged in April 2012 and married a little over 13 months from then. 

Wedding Day, May 2013
Why this blog: 
Neither of us are really creative people, but we enjoy looking for a good project when we need to, or when it strikes our fancy. My husband is a phenomenal cook, and that's going to be a big part of this blog when we move into our home and start exploring the "Chef's Kitchen." I'm getting into baking, but I can tell you I'm not very good. And that's the joy of it. I follow recipes, I fail, I learn, I recreate. Mr. K turns my disasters into beautiful and yummy dishes at the end of all of it. 

I peruse Pinterest for DIY projects and decorating ideas, but I can honestly say that when I try them, they won't be perfect. It's all about having an imagination, a love for perfection as well as the patience for failure. And I can only imagine that's what our house, projects, home and life will be filled with. All of the above.

Back in August we decided to start looking at houses to buy because, as you'll learn throughout the blog, we were simply in the financial state to do it. That road lead us to building our own dream home in a planned community, and that's what this blog was founded on. I thought it would be an honest way to document our progress, not just as we build our house, but as we fill it, decorate and live our new life in it. On a budget. 

I sincerely hope you find this blog to be entertaining, educational, and at times weird and fun, but always, always real