Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wedded on a Train in Perth

I haven't kept up with this blog nearly enough as I wanted (and want) to. I've started to finally have a lot of good ideas to write about, but it's just finding the time. I finally told Mr. K the other day that I just need to "put up the darn food pictures that we always take with our nice camera, and then get around to writing the recipes when I can!" He insisted that he would help because, after all, he is the mastermind behind most of these recipes. But fear not, there are house updates to come, favorites I've started writing about, and lots of yummy food to gush over.

Until then though, I read the cutest article on Buzzfeed this morning about a couple in Perth who got married on a train. What the bride said really stuck - the train was moving during their ceremony, so their wedding took place all over Perth. How cool is that?

The train driver knew about the wedding beforehand, and the Public Transport Authority provided security for the wedding. The couple even signed the register in the priority seating section.
Image from Buzzfeed
Ultimately, they chose to have their wedding on the train because of its uniqueness and practicality.
How many people can say they've wedded on a train?

What's the coolest wedding you've ever been to?