Monday, March 25, 2019

Back from a haitus

I've been on a hiatus, that's not even a question. I have about 40 blog posts in drafts just waiting to be published, but most of them are food related, and since Mike doesn't follow recipes, we kept saying we needed to fine-tune the recipe ourselves before posting it. Needless to say, we kept cooking, and those recipes never got finished. Then, for whatever reason, the amount we cooked started decreasing. I think it's because we made a mess each.and.every.time we cooked. Good dishes take a lot of love and pots, pans, and cleaning! We also started getting settled into our life here and wanted to just enjoy more time hanging out.

And then, our lives shifted. A lot. We welcomed our daughter in November, so the nine+ months leading up to her arrival were, well, all about her. There was so much emotion and preparation both mentally and in our house/life. I have so much going on in my mind these days, and I thought what better way to express those feelings than to write them down, and continue on with the blog. Even if no one reads this, it's at least a way to keep tabs on everything going on!

So here's to writing about feelings, family, life as a parent, and other extremely vulnerable topics.

See you soon,
