Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Worst Kind of Snow Day

On any other day, in any other year, I'd be thrilled that we're getting snow. I don't get off work for Snow Days because we have the option to telecommute, but that's not what I'm talking about. I love working from home, especially when it's snowing outside! 

What I'm not so happy about is the fact that our house doesn't get built when it snows. Period. There's a commercial building being built outside of our current apartment and they've stopped all production today, so that makes me cringe. One day lost to snow could means days added on to our completion date. Days. Not just one day. Days. We are so anxious to get into our house and we can't stand to lose these days!! And it's only the beginning of winter here in DC. To have two snow days this early in the season is abnormal, so I hope that sweet Mother Nature gets this out of her system now so we can have smooth sailing until March! 

Unfortunately, that's about it for now. I hope to have more news soon as we have our "pre-construction" meeting soon. And the reason for the quotation marks is that they've already begun construction, but this meeting is really just for us to meet the Superintendent that will be building our house, ask any questions we have for him, etc. Can't wait to report back! 

As for now, it's time to snuggle up with a bowl of chili and cornbread made by my sweet husband, and continue typing away at work. 

See you at the corner, 

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