Monday, December 2, 2013

New Year's Goal

Ok, so now that Thanksgiving is over and the leftovers have all been eaten (actually, that's not true, we still have some in our fridge that we plan on eating this week), it's time to get back on track with my goal for Dec. 31 - or the goal that I set for myself about two weeks ago...

I want to be able to do 10 push ups... REAL push ups. Not on my knees, or on a counter or table or chairs. Real, wo-manly, awesome push ups. You're probably thinking "that's not a lot of push ups, Krista." Well, you're right, it's not, but it's a lot for me.

I exercise a few times a week, cardio, bodyweight exercises; I'd consider myself in pretty good shape. I wanted to get into CrossFit but it's just not going to fit the budget so I take what I learned at booty (yes, bootY) camp I did earlier this year before the wedding, and do those exercises often. But, I just can't seem to perfect push ups, and it might just run in the family.

Here are a couple ways I'm trying to improve:
~ at least 20 push ups on a bench in the gym  (in rounds)
~ 5-10 "girl" push ups (on my knees)
~ 5 REAL push ups

Do you have any good tips? Have you checked back in with your Resolutions you set for yourself at the beginning of 2013? Thinking about your goals for 2014 yet? How do you stay on track?!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Keep reaching for those goals!

See you at the corner,

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