Monday, October 16, 2017

Time moves slowly but passes quickly

Said the wise Alice Walker. And my how that's true. Something made me look through my Facebook profile today and I found some old quotes and a link to an old blog I started writing back in college. It wasn't for a class assignment, but rather a way for me to write. I've always loved writing, ask my friends or family. My family's nickname for me is "Hallmark" and I covet that name dearly. 

So much time has passed since I last wrote on this blog. Life got busy I have no excuse, really. When we first started building the house, and then when we moved in, I was super motivated to write, chronicling our house transformations and our cooking adventures in our beloved kitchen. And then the blog posts started piling up in drafts and I didn't take the time to go through each recipe, each night of cooking and clean it up before posting. And then I Instagram became my outlet for everything cooking. 
After reading through my first blog I started to relive those feelings of excitement about writing. The topics were drastically different in those days, but true to me nonetheless. What really struck me was the amount of quotes that I used in that blog, and I quickly remembered how important quotes used to be to me "growing up." Remember AIM? I used to think long and hard about "away messages." I must have had about 200 away message options - quotes - to choose from. I always seemed to find one that summed up my feelings perfectly. 

"Ones destination is never a place, 
But a new way of seeing things" 
- Henry Miller

I used this quote in a post about our two week trip to Panama a few years ago. I love traveling, anywhere, near or far. We haven't don't much traveling in a few years - adulthood means needing to take vacation days, going to a million weddings, and taking care of cats.  But hopefully in the near future that's in the cards for us.

Until then, I'm jazzed about restarting this blog. I have no clue what I'll focus on, but we've done so much to our house since the last time I updated, so maybe I'll start there...

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