Monday, May 5, 2014

Our First Overnight Guests!

I had big plans to post updates of our house last week, but it really just got away from me! Monday was Monday, and let's be real, not much gets done that night. Tuesday was the Wizards game so we went across the street to watch it with neighbors, after going to dinner at our neighborhood hole-in-the-wall for some half-priced pizza. I've been there many times before, usually after Christmas tree picking with my family since our go-to place is right across the street. But it was Mr. K's first time there, and he approved. Loved meeting some of the locals. Back to our weeknight plans, my dad came over for dinner on Wednesday  night, and Thursday night we had our first softball game of the season (and we won!). Friday night was happy hour with some high school girlfriends at Rosa Mexicano ($14 pitchers of sangria and Guac on Tap, anyone?!). So now that you know what I did all last week, let's get to the good stuff.

We had to make sure the guest room was all set for our very first overnight guests (hey Becker & Laura)! This is what it looked like less than 24 hours before they were arriving:
Front-facing windows

Paper shades from Home Depot have been a lifesaver throughout the whole house, and we put up in this room and the one across the hall because it's my favorite room (tons of sunlight), so I'm hoping I'll start using it as a yoga room or a zen room or something. maybe. we'll see. Until we get buy light fixtures for all the rooms upstairs (we have the wiring done, we just need to get the actual lights), a tall, standing lamp will have do. That's what we have in our Master for now, and it's been fine.

The bed that's going in there was in pieces in the room next door and the mattress was just on the floor in the room across the hall.
Middle bedroom with the bed pieces
So this bed... it's our Ikea bed with the storage drawers underneath from our old apartment. We took it apart pretty quickly when we were moving out and the directions were nowhere to be found. We were doomed you might think, but luckily we were able to put it back together in less than an hour! So without further a due, the guest room:

Lastly, these end/bedside tables! I love these.

When we were across the street at our neighbor's house, they gave us a tour, I saw these tables against a wall in their master bedroom and commented on how I loved them. My neighbor said, "do you want them? They don't fit with our furniture in here." So of course I had to! We're so appreciative that they gave them to us, they're such cool pieces and I cant wait to really create a room around them!!

And with that, we give you our first guest room! This is probably it for awhile in terms of decorations until we really decide on a theme for the room, but it will come together at some point! Up next, the kitchen and living room updates!

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