Monday, November 11, 2013

My First Post Here - Welcome!

Thanks for visiting! There are so many reasons why I've decided to start this blog - but let me start from the beginning...

I'm a suburban girl at heart, moved to North Carolina to go to college, met my college sweetheart during my second semester Junior year, Mr. K we'll call him. He got a job in DC which was so convenient for our relationship considering we'd only known each other for a few months before he graduated (*dating an older man, you know it). I moved back home after college, we continued dating, yada yada. We got engaged in April 2012, got hitched May 2013.

We moved into the city together after getting married and are having an absolute blast, but we're ready to settle the 'burbs. Now THAT is where this blog really got started! We're building a house, and learning what it's like to cohabitate, manage money, wine and dine on a budget, and design what's sure to be our dream home. Since we've been in the midst of this project for a little over a month now, there's a lot of catching up to do (sort of, because at this point on Monday, Nov. 11, there has been no movement on our lot).

So stay tuned for some design tips from a not-so-creative person, but lover of Pinterest, and determined to do more DIY projects in the house. A gal who likes to cook, but enjoys watching her husband do it more. A frugal person and a couple on a newly established, fairly strict budget. Trying to balance having fun with friends and family, and saving money for our family and life together. This is going to be so fun!!

See you at the corner,

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