Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Project Day 2: A Place

This is Day 2 of the 17 days of gratitude, thought of by The DC Ladies. When I think of a place I’m thankful of, I think immediately of “home.” The reason I love “home” is because it can encompass different places - my parents’ house, my own apartment/home with my husband, North Carolina (both Elon and my in-laws’ place). Not to be a huge cliche, but “home is where the heart is,” but most importantly home is where my dearest friends and family are. When I’m with my best girlfriends, I feel at home and at peace, when I’m with my family for a party, I feel myself and I feel happy.

If you’re thinking, “Krista, you took the easy way out,” then I’ll give you this answer. I’m thankful for the Shenandoah Mountains, particularly where Mr. K and I got engaged last year. I love this place because it’s quiet, it’s absolutely beautiful, and it’s where my life with my husband truly began. It’s also a destination for a camping trip we took with our friends recently, which allowed us to hike through beautiful mountains, get lost and then find our own way back, and enjoy our journey even though we didn’t quite get to the destination we had hoped: Overall Run Falls.

So… are you happy with that answer?! What place are you thankful for?

And in other news, I'm so excited to share with you (probably next week) what new creative project I'm doing for my grandfather's 80th birthday bash this weekend! As I've said before, I'm not the most crafty person, but when I immerse myself in something and really put my mind to it, I can do it... at least in my own little way!! Stay tuned :)

See you at the corner,

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