Monday, November 25, 2013

House Update #1: Settlement Process

Sunday, November 10: I learned more about the settlement process today... I stopped by our "new" neighborhood and drove by our "house" or what is really the same 20 piles of dirt that were there a month ago when we last saw it. Instead of waiting for an email or call from our sales guy, I went in and chatted with him for a bit (in the model home). I asked for an update on our dirt mounds, and he looked at his new progress sheet from that Friday, and it said our lot has "not started" (obviously), but that there was "no delay" either. SO... what's the hold up!? 

He wasn't quite sure why it hadn't been started but that the finish date was still the same (late February. Note: Read the next update later this week and I'll most likely have a different answer for you). BUT he admitted that it would most likely be March, and that we would hope to settle in the latter half of the month, between the 15th and 31st. He said settling in the latter half of the month is preferable and best for the buyer because if you settle later, the mortgage won't be due until May 1, because you pay in arrears. So, we have a longer time to pay that mortgage will be awesome. Interesting fact, and I'm happy to have learned that little tid bit.

Honestly, no new pictures are worth putting up until it actually starts getting built. But I did promise pictures of some of our interior options, of which I'll only show a few... later!!

See you at the corner,

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