Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DC Ladies Thankful Project Day 1

"Intentionally cultivating n attitude of gratitude will change your life"
DC Ladies

While ideas for this blog aren’t few and far between - trust me, I’ve had ideas running through my head all day I can barely get them on paper - I wanted to be able to focus on certain things, besides just our house-building process and posting pictures of amazing food my husband (and I) make. So, I stumbled across this post from the DC Ladies blog about a thought-provoking blogging challenge for the Thanksgiving season. The Thankful Project is 17 days long, and encourages you to reflect on particular things (prompts) for which you're thankful. The first day’s prompt is: A Person.

As I write this, the very first person that comes to mind is my husband. I am ever so grateful for Mr. K since the very first day I met him back in February 2008. Since the day we got married, just shy of 6 months ago, I’m constantly reminded of the patience I’ve acquired, the love of learning and teaching others, and an even bigger motivation and inspiration to extend a helping hand to others.

I could say all of the cliche things, like I’m thankful to have him in my life as my best friend, my rock, my other half… but it’s much deeper than that. We have that sort of relationship that’s as close as you’ll ever get to someone. I’m open, I’m honest, I’m protective and cautious. I’m ambitious and hard-working all because of him. If only we could both become less of procrastinators then I’d be even more thankful! I’m thankful that he’s who he is, because God has accepted him as part of my life, and my family has welcomed him as one of their own, and for that, I’m the most thankful.

Honeymoon in Jamaica, May 2013

Follow the hashtag #TDCLarethankful to hear more stories and follow our 17 days of intentional gratitude and community. And be sure to check back throughout the month leading up to Thanksgiving to see what else we’re thankful for on the blog.

Is there someone you’re especially thankful for on this day? Comment and share a special story you have this Thanksgiving season!

See you at the corner,


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