Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pre-Drywall Meeting Postponed

We had a feeling this would happen considering temperatures have been below 20 degrees, if not below 10 degrees the past week. We had scheduled our meeting for this Friday morning, but were told that depending on the weather this week, it could change. And alas, I got the email last night saying that we were indeed going to need to reschedule for next week. They've been having trouble getting the sub contractors out to do their work. Understandably so, it's freezing! Of course we're a bit bummed out because next week we're already in the month of February, so I'm anxious to see what these delays are going to do for our final closing date. We haven't gotten any word on an actual date yet, seeing as it can change for any reason - aka snow and freezing cold weather. So... I guess we'll just keep playing the waiting game.

Just a short update today, but we're still planning on taking family out to the house on Saturday, so I'll have more pictures then! We're hoping to get into the house with our Project Manager, too. Fingers crossed!! 

Have a great Hump Day! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

House Update #4: Roofing is Installed!

This past Monday, Martin Luther King Day (1/21/14), we took a drive out to the house before heading to a family birthday party, and we were so thrilled and excited to see the progress, even from last Wednesday! The majority of the roofing has been done and who knows what else has been done under the roof that we can't see.

January 20, 2014
We were even happier to talk to our great sales manager who said we are still on track (prior to this snow, so who knows how that affected the work) for a middle to late March settlement. As I said last time, the next step is the pre-drywall meeting, and we were told that's still on track and should be scheduled for NEXT WEEK! Holy crap. We'll start to think about giving our 60 days notice sometime in the next few weeks, but we'll wait for further notification from our sales manager as to when he thinks a "concrete date" might be set. Hopefully we can get a good idea of how much we'll be behind after this snowfall here in DC later this week before we make our decision.

I have a couple in-laws coming into town next weekend and we can't wait to take them out to the house and see the progress two weeks from now! Plus, we will be able to actually step foot inside the house for the first time at the pre-drywall meeting, so that is going to bring up another whole basket of emotions. Can't wait to share the photos from that meeting!!

Stay tuned :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

House Update #3: We're Under Roof!

We couldn't believe the progress from Sunday until this past Wednesday. We are officially "under roof" with windows and a FRONT DOOR!! I mean, it can't get much more real than this. We can't wait to actually see it in person this coming Monday, Martin Luther King day, and learn of the actual progress (besides what we can see on the outside).

January 15, 2014 (Photo Courtesy of Mr. Goose)
Next step is our  pre-drywall meeting, which usually marks 60 days until settlement! Which also marks our time to consider giving our 60 days notice for our current apartment. It's a little nerveracking because, in any other circumstance with a house that's already built, there are usually no surprises or delays with settlement. But in our case, 60 days is a LONG TIME, and we just never know what will happen. There could be delays due to weather, construction problems, etc.. Consider the story our sales manager told us recently about a house they were building:  3 weeks from settlement, they were testing the pipes and BOOM, one burst. This meant that the team had to redo some of the drywall, tear up and replace some of the hardwood floors, repair the pipe. I'm not sure how far they had to push that settlement date, but that gives you an example of the kinds of things that CAN happen. He then told us that things like that rarely happen (let's all knock on wood together, shall we?), but that's the "beauty" of the business.

Anyways, it's all so crazy and becoming SO REAL. We are getting more and more anxious every time we see new progress. March is going to be here  before we know it! Can't wait to post our next update next week after seeing the house in person!

Keep you posted!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Talk Metro's Purple Line

I have got to say that I am a huge proponent of Metro's Purple Line coming to fruition. I can't actually say that enough. You're probably saying, "you live in DC, why would it even affect you?" Well, I'll only  be living in DC for another two months and then it will directly affect me! I don't even know if I would have a huge problem with it if it was going through my backyard, because at the end of the day, damn is it convenient! And, while I do love the environment, I recycle, I don't throw anything onto the street, or in bodies of water, etc... I think the little shrimpies are going to be just find in Rock Creek. Living at the end of one side of the red line, it would just be extremely convenient to only metro a couple stops to Silver Spring, transfer to the Light Rail and take that to Bethesda and be in the middle of everything on the opposite side of Connecticut Ave.

Discussions have been going on for years about the Purple Line, as I just read this article from Rethink College Park and saw that the article was dated February 2011. I love to read "just up the pike" to keep up with what's happening out in the 'burbs. Their recent article about how people in Chevy Chase are trying hard to keep the Purple Line from happening, isn't so surprising to me. For such an old, historic, beautiful town/neighborhood, it doesn't come as a shock that they wouldn't be happy with such a change. But in the whole scheme of things, it's what's best for the area. Talks seem to be heading upwards over the last few months, and I look forward to seeing where it goes. Granted, decisions might not affect us in the short term, thinking of easier transportation in years to come is exciting.

Anyhow, just my thoughts for the day...I guess I'm truly accepting the fact that we'll be in suburbia sooner than we can even imagine, and we'll be back to living in our cars instead of walking to CVS or taking the metro a stop to the grocery store. Here's to exciting changes!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

House Update #2: Framing & Partial Roof!

I haven’t posted about the progress, aside from the foundation because quite frankly, there wasn’t much. Mother Nature has decided to pick this year to give us folk in DC a “real” winter, with snow, rain, freezing rain and downright freezing - below freezing - temperatures. Most of which mean zero work gets done, putting our house behind progress multiple days. And next, the house is about 30 minutes from our current place in the city, so getting out there with our busy weekend schedules has proven to be a bit tough. Luckily my parents are within 15 minutes so they’ve driven by and snapped a few pictures for us! (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

This past weekend we were going to go by but it was pouring rain off and on Saturday, so we decided to skip it, and pair it with my grandmother’s birthday party next weekend. Cannot wait to see the progress in person! Until then, the photo my mom took yesterday will have to do… you’ll see a ROOF over top of the garage (!!!), and frame is up for the rest of the house, and we’re told the rest of the roof should be on by this weekend!! The first photos are from Dec. 20th, and the second collage is from this past weekend, Jan. 11, 2014:

December 20, 2013

January 11, 2014 (view from the back) 
Framing, part of roof up

It seriously brought tears to my eyes when I received the picture. This is our HOUSE being built, with which we’ll make our HOME. It’s happening so fast… March is going to be here before we know it! Once it comes time for our pre-drywall meeting in a few weeks, that’s when things are really going to speed up. It means we have to start thinking about seriously vetting our lenders, locking in our interest rate, and giving our 60 days notice to our current apartment building, keeping our fingers crossed that once we do that, there will be no significant delays. And then, between bachelor and bachelorette parties Mr. K and I are both attending in Feb, family visits, wedding in early March, it will be time to (find time to) pack up!! And we’re hiring a moving company this time, as we have a few more valuables than we did the last move (wedding presents, new gadgets, etc.).

So, that’s it for now! I can’t wait to see the house this weekend and post more pictures :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Design Trends for 2014

I thought I'd take this rainy, yucky Sunday and reflect on articles I've read about the design trends I should be looking out for in 2014. (And I'm also trying to find reasons NOT to go downstairs to the gym). I read one article and completely disagreed with the "color of the year" being Radiant Orchid. I'd love to hear your thoughts, but I just don't think I could make it work. It's too.. bright for my taste. I like Paloma, but that's about it.

On the other hand, I am absolutely head-over-heels with this House Beautiful trends read. Between interchangeable accents, vintage pieces, navy (&blues in general), traditional design, mix and match, black & white which Mr. K will be thrilled to learn. I have to say though, which will make my life so confusing, but the top three trends I'm most excited for are the interchangeable accents, vintage pieces and the traditional design. I have so many ideas for rooms, and as I'm reading these trends, I realize the vision is a combination of all of these. Light grey walls, drapes down to the floor, two accent chairs to bring in different colors, mix n' match pieces in our office and guest rooms... the list keeps going.

We're getting closer though to picking wall colors for the main floor and bedrooms (and no, the house is not even quite finished yet)  but we wanted to get a head start so we didn't have to waffle back and forth and wait forever to paint. Sure, we'll have to take into account the warranty on the walls, and wait until the foundation sets to do anything to the walls, but we're willing to make that sacrifice.

Some of the things I just love:
(Photo Credit: Taken from Pinterest 
Right Migonis Home)

We've had some pretty exciting movement on the house in the last couple of weeks; can't wait to post the photos this week, and even more to come next Monday!!