Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Talk Metro's Purple Line

I have got to say that I am a huge proponent of Metro's Purple Line coming to fruition. I can't actually say that enough. You're probably saying, "you live in DC, why would it even affect you?" Well, I'll only  be living in DC for another two months and then it will directly affect me! I don't even know if I would have a huge problem with it if it was going through my backyard, because at the end of the day, damn is it convenient! And, while I do love the environment, I recycle, I don't throw anything onto the street, or in bodies of water, etc... I think the little shrimpies are going to be just find in Rock Creek. Living at the end of one side of the red line, it would just be extremely convenient to only metro a couple stops to Silver Spring, transfer to the Light Rail and take that to Bethesda and be in the middle of everything on the opposite side of Connecticut Ave.

Discussions have been going on for years about the Purple Line, as I just read this article from Rethink College Park and saw that the article was dated February 2011. I love to read "just up the pike" to keep up with what's happening out in the 'burbs. Their recent article about how people in Chevy Chase are trying hard to keep the Purple Line from happening, isn't so surprising to me. For such an old, historic, beautiful town/neighborhood, it doesn't come as a shock that they wouldn't be happy with such a change. But in the whole scheme of things, it's what's best for the area. Talks seem to be heading upwards over the last few months, and I look forward to seeing where it goes. Granted, decisions might not affect us in the short term, thinking of easier transportation in years to come is exciting.

Anyhow, just my thoughts for the day...I guess I'm truly accepting the fact that we'll be in suburbia sooner than we can even imagine, and we'll be back to living in our cars instead of walking to CVS or taking the metro a stop to the grocery store. Here's to exciting changes!

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