Thursday, January 16, 2014

House Update #3: We're Under Roof!

We couldn't believe the progress from Sunday until this past Wednesday. We are officially "under roof" with windows and a FRONT DOOR!! I mean, it can't get much more real than this. We can't wait to actually see it in person this coming Monday, Martin Luther King day, and learn of the actual progress (besides what we can see on the outside).

January 15, 2014 (Photo Courtesy of Mr. Goose)
Next step is our  pre-drywall meeting, which usually marks 60 days until settlement! Which also marks our time to consider giving our 60 days notice for our current apartment. It's a little nerveracking because, in any other circumstance with a house that's already built, there are usually no surprises or delays with settlement. But in our case, 60 days is a LONG TIME, and we just never know what will happen. There could be delays due to weather, construction problems, etc.. Consider the story our sales manager told us recently about a house they were building:  3 weeks from settlement, they were testing the pipes and BOOM, one burst. This meant that the team had to redo some of the drywall, tear up and replace some of the hardwood floors, repair the pipe. I'm not sure how far they had to push that settlement date, but that gives you an example of the kinds of things that CAN happen. He then told us that things like that rarely happen (let's all knock on wood together, shall we?), but that's the "beauty" of the business.

Anyways, it's all so crazy and becoming SO REAL. We are getting more and more anxious every time we see new progress. March is going to be here  before we know it! Can't wait to post our next update next week after seeing the house in person!

Keep you posted!

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