Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pre-Drywall Meeting Postponed

We had a feeling this would happen considering temperatures have been below 20 degrees, if not below 10 degrees the past week. We had scheduled our meeting for this Friday morning, but were told that depending on the weather this week, it could change. And alas, I got the email last night saying that we were indeed going to need to reschedule for next week. They've been having trouble getting the sub contractors out to do their work. Understandably so, it's freezing! Of course we're a bit bummed out because next week we're already in the month of February, so I'm anxious to see what these delays are going to do for our final closing date. We haven't gotten any word on an actual date yet, seeing as it can change for any reason - aka snow and freezing cold weather. So... I guess we'll just keep playing the waiting game.

Just a short update today, but we're still planning on taking family out to the house on Saturday, so I'll have more pictures then! We're hoping to get into the house with our Project Manager, too. Fingers crossed!! 

Have a great Hump Day! 

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