Tuesday, January 14, 2014

House Update #2: Framing & Partial Roof!

I haven’t posted about the progress, aside from the foundation because quite frankly, there wasn’t much. Mother Nature has decided to pick this year to give us folk in DC a “real” winter, with snow, rain, freezing rain and downright freezing - below freezing - temperatures. Most of which mean zero work gets done, putting our house behind progress multiple days. And next, the house is about 30 minutes from our current place in the city, so getting out there with our busy weekend schedules has proven to be a bit tough. Luckily my parents are within 15 minutes so they’ve driven by and snapped a few pictures for us! (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

This past weekend we were going to go by but it was pouring rain off and on Saturday, so we decided to skip it, and pair it with my grandmother’s birthday party next weekend. Cannot wait to see the progress in person! Until then, the photo my mom took yesterday will have to do… you’ll see a ROOF over top of the garage (!!!), and frame is up for the rest of the house, and we’re told the rest of the roof should be on by this weekend!! The first photos are from Dec. 20th, and the second collage is from this past weekend, Jan. 11, 2014:

December 20, 2013

January 11, 2014 (view from the back) 
Framing, part of roof up

It seriously brought tears to my eyes when I received the picture. This is our HOUSE being built, with which we’ll make our HOME. It’s happening so fast… March is going to be here before we know it! Once it comes time for our pre-drywall meeting in a few weeks, that’s when things are really going to speed up. It means we have to start thinking about seriously vetting our lenders, locking in our interest rate, and giving our 60 days notice to our current apartment building, keeping our fingers crossed that once we do that, there will be no significant delays. And then, between bachelor and bachelorette parties Mr. K and I are both attending in Feb, family visits, wedding in early March, it will be time to (find time to) pack up!! And we’re hiring a moving company this time, as we have a few more valuables than we did the last move (wedding presents, new gadgets, etc.).

So, that’s it for now! I can’t wait to see the house this weekend and post more pictures :)

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