Thursday, January 29, 2015

Because I had to share!

The cutest post I think I've ever read off of Buzzfeed. If you need a reason to smile today, or just lighten up your afternoon a little bit, this is how you do it. Enjoy!

Friday, January 16, 2015

From Vogue: Do you need this?

As we go into the weekend, I think it's important to set a goal (or goals) for yourself to accomplish over the next three days. I found this great article posted on a blog I follow daily, Cottage and Vine, and it really got me thinking... I could really do some damage in my closet this weekend - going through summer and winter clothes to decide what I need and what I don't need. I already have boxes and bags ready to go to consignment and Goodwill, but they're sitting in our basement...not moving. I think this weekend would be the perfect time to purge! Let's see if we can fill up a trash bag, or medium-sized cardboard box to donate or sell. Use this flow chart from Vogue to help you find your way through that closet and purge!! Good luck! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

So I ran a mile today...

That's right. A whole mile. To some that's just 1/4 of their warm up. For me, it's a good start (er, re-start). If you've looked in my bio, you've seen that I've done a triathlon (more to come on that at some point. It was a highlight of my life) and I like to run and workout on a normal basis. Well, that 'normal basis' stopped about 7 months ago for reasons I won't go into. I haven't had the motivation, the inspiration to run and workout as much as I used to. When we first moved into the new neighborhood, I was eager to explore the hilly streets, which I did pretty often for awhile. And then it (ok, I) stopped. All I had at the house were some 10lb weights, and after a few months of not doing anything, I realized that I couldn't do as much with the 10lb-ers as I used to. I got discouraged. I stopped. Besides, there was so much other stuff I could get done in the house, around the house and everywhere else except anything that had to with weights or working out. Right?

In comes our new office fitness center that's a total beaut. They had the opening party yesterday and it was officially open to gym-goers today. I prepared my gym bag last night, full of all the necessary items, including my new Stella and Dot travel hanging bag. I got a head start on the morning, took the metro in with Mr. K bright and early, and was only 1 of 3/4 people at the gym. I can't wait to start this new wave of working out, hoping it will motivate me and inspire me, keep me grounded in other aspects of life.

I followed the workout up with two of my egg muffins that I made on Tuesday night. Recipe to come tomorrow! But I'll tell you this much, it's fueled me already this morning, and I know it will take me to lunch (in addition to my coffee, of course). But it felt so good this morning to just open the fridge, grab a sandwich bag of two egg muffins and be on my merry way. It's the life of being prepared, and I wish I had discovered this way sooner in life. But better late than never they say, and I completely agree with this one.

Yesterday, while Mr. K and I were both working from home, we decided to defrost the whole family pack of chicken breasts and throw them in the crock pot. The shredded chicken was the foundation for our enchiladas last night, with homemade salsa of course; will be added to our salads for lunch today, dinner and meals tomorrow. Thus, being prepared again is getting to be pretty darn sweet. No need to over think things. The crock pot is your friend, so use it! The recipes for these meals also coming soon. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Powder Room Update

In an effort to make our house feel more homey, we're working on it room by room. Our powder room seemed like an easy fix, so during our almost bi-weekly trip to Home Depot, we sought out shelves that we wanted to try out. We had one vision in mind and then saw this great shelf we loved, and ran with it. It ended up matching perfectly with the waste basket and toilet paper holder that was already in there! When we went to Michaels for one of their big Christmas sales, we fell in love with this frame and thought it was the perfect feel for the bathroom. I'm actually surprised we didn't get a few more of them because we both loved it!

The last photo I actually took on Friday night, a couple weeks after we actually finished it, but I realized I didn't have an updated version with the new photo and candles that we put in there. The photo in the frame is one of our one from when we took a walk around the Capitol when we lived at Navy Yard last November (2013). I love how it turned out and it's feeling more homey now. On to the rest of the house!

Before: (See how plain it is?! I can't believe we actually let it go that way for so long)


Now all we need is some color on the walls. And you're probably saying the same thing. However, we promised ourselves we would wait until the one-year mark because that's when our warranty is up. In other words, as part of this new home build process, the builder comes back at 11 months after move-in and checks the house for certain things, and fixes it. Examples include cracks in the walls as the foundation settles (we've already seen some, and come February we'll be taking to the walls with that gorgeous blue painters tape to everything that we see in preparation of our 11 months. To say that we've been in here for that long is beyond me, but that's for another day). Other things they'll check (and hopefully fix): nail pops, bowing of the hardwood floors, etc.

So until then, we'll love these blank walls... aka canvases!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm still not writing about 2015 Resolutions

In the last post about my expansion on Entrepreneur's article on the 8 daily habits that will make an explosion, I talked about the first four habits: getting up early, exercise, reading and practicing gratitude.

I really like those four habits because it's something that I've already had in my mind to change, and am on my way. Actually today I went to the first yoga class that I've been to in awhile and it felt (great). I think I'm motivated for awhile! At least for my next 4 "free" classes (thanks to Groupon). And actually, our new tenant-only fitness center at my office is opening on Wednesday, so I'm already planning out my workout regimen. The last time I had a gym this convenient is when we lived in the city after getting married and had a gym in the basement of our building. Ah, the days. We often talk about how much we loved living in Navy Yard, but that's for another day.

I also started reading this wonderful daily devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, in addition to being about 60% through The Ladies Room by Carolyn Brown, which I really recommend! It's a fun read, and I love it as my commuting book. I'm already on the prowl for my new one (hoping I can an email from my local library that the many ebooks I have on hold might be mine in the near future).

Waking up early is still working, except for yesterday when I drive Mr. K to the metro at 5am (my car is sounding a bit wonky, so we need his), and then proceeded to sleep for awhile longer. Whoops.

As far as practicing gratitude, I shared just about all my thoughts with you in that post. Not much has changed.

So, let's get onto the next four habits:

5. Schedule your day before it starts 
Try a daily to-do list each night, and then what I find helpful is scheduling out the week on Sunday. We have a chalkboard in the mudroom, which we see every time we come in from the garage. You can see it here, and we've started to outline the week starting on Monday. I'll include the scheduled evening activities that we have, something we need to get done that night, and if we're really organized, dinner ideas for each night (we're working on that this year).

This also applies to your workplace - before you leave for the day, prepare your tasks for tomorrow, outline what's important, and when you need to get things done. Which brings us to the next one...

6. Focus on high-priority tasks first 
I feel like this is most applicable for the workplace, so make sure when you create that to-do list for the following day, put your most important tasks in the beginning. We're all probably guilt of saving those for the end because it's easier to get the lesser important, smaller tasks out of the way. But why not get the big one out of the way and then cruise the rest of the day!? Try that for a few weeks and see how it might lessen your stress and anxiety about your work days.

7. Always go the extra mile
This is an important one, and probably one that's often easy to fight each and every day. Consider doing one extra task every day that may put you ahead of the game, either personally or professionally, or both. This will likely improve your motivation and satisfaction. Who doesn't love ending the day on a high note and thus enjoying the evening even more.

8. Improve in one area each day
This can apply to both professional life and personal. Whether professionally, you read one good article about your industry every day and apply it; or personally, you improve the number of push ups you do, decrease pace of your mile run by a few seconds, read one more chapter of a book to reach a yearly goal, etc. (check out Goodreads if you want to set a goal for number of books to read in 2015).

Don't forget to write these things down at the end of the day, especially how you improved each day. This will keep you going, and at the end of the week you can look back on that log and be motivated for the next week! I love this habit, I think it's one every person can get on board with. It's definitely hard to stick to, but keep it in your back pocket, even if you improve in three things over the course of the next couple weeks, that's a great start.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Our First Snow!

I love the snow, especially when I get to spend a snowy day inside my home, with the fire on, surrounded by our two cats and of course Mr. K working from home too. Honestly, it's snowed a little bit around here a couple of times, however this was our first true snow. Prediction of 1-2 inches but we got more like 3-4. It was so pretty, except when we went to drive the next morning and the dilemma of living in a new neighborhood kicked in, and all of phase 2 wasn't plowed or treated. Talk about driving on a sheet of ice! But let's not get hung up on that ;)

I went outside to shovel the walkway and sidewalk (Mr. K will kill me for saying that publicly, but honestly he's been so busy at work, and it needed to get done, so I snuck a few minutes outside. Plus, I love being outside when it's snowing, so I didn't mind the arm exercise! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Home for the Holidays

This was our first Christmas in our new home, and we couldn't have been happier! This year was a little bit more calm than last year, as we traveled to North Carolina the week before Christmas to spend time with Mr. K's family, which was so much needed, and so wonderful. It was so great going for a day or two more than we usually do, because we didn't feel as rushed as we normally do, trying to do a million things and see everyone we love in such a short time. We got to spend time with great family and friends and even find time to see a movie and relax.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family here, as my parents hosted my father's side of the family for Christmas Eve. I loved it! It was great seeing family we only see so often. I love how all of the cousins have grown up and grown together. Christmas Day was as lovely as always with my mom's side of the family. Again, cousins growing up and growing together and it's so much fun.

We did our own gifts after breakfast on Christmas Day. We're seeking out our own traditions, and although we haven't quite found them, we will over time! It was fun decorating our house for the first time, and funny to see the different decorations we've acquired over the year, thanks to good sales and my mom's great finds!

Somehow, a cat always makes a cameo in our photos

Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm not writing about 2015 Resolutions

I promised (myself) that I would write about what I was going to do better in 2015 because "everyone else" does it. But when it come down to it, writing it down helps keep you accountable, right? Right. So here we are.

I read a really great article on Entrepreneur about 8 daily habits that will make 2015 "explosive." So far, I'm buying it. I wouldn't call these things "resolutions" though. Because sometimes I consider those good for a year, even if I've said I would start to think positively more, or work out more. Again, it's the beginning of the year and we have the best of intentions. But, turning those "resolutions" into gosh-darn habits is what's really going to make them work.

New Year means the start of something good, forever... 
Today I'm going to share with you the first half of the daily habits. They're so good that I don't want to overcrowd one post with all of them. Try these on for size the next few days/week and see how it goes. Then, come back and read the next four and we'll see how we can all get better at those. 

Here are four of the eight daily habits: 

1. Get up early
This is actually something I decided to do after New Years, not as a resolution, but to start making a habit out of it. So far I've last 4 days getting up at 6:30 and I'm really liking it. Before I think I was getting too much sleep, sometimes waking up anywhere between  6:45 and 7:10. 6:30 isn't too bad anymore, especially when I know it's coming about 10-15 minutes after Mr. K leaves the room.
So how would I rate this on a scale of 1-10, me liking this idea: 10/10. It's working, and I'm excited to continue it. 

2. Read
Doesn't matter what, but read 20-30 minutes a day. For me, this includes the Express newspaper for the first 20 minutes on the metro ride in, and then the book I've downloaded on my Kindle Fire for the rest of the ride to and from work. I've got both the global intellectual read down and the "let me let my mind wonder for the next hour" down pat. 
Rating: 8/10

3. Exercise
Ahhhhh. This one. Gets me every time. I'm trying... so hard! I just bought a yoga Groupon yesterday in hopes of really getting my blood pumping. I tried starting Insanity a couple weeks ago, but got so discouraged because I just couldn't keep up. I'm not used to it being so hard. But that's what I get when I don't work out in 7+ months. What's wrong with me? I'm hoping yoga will bring me back and motivate me to at least do the recommended 30 minutes a day. SOMETHING at least. Stay tuned on this one. So far, my likeness score is 2/10, but my desire score is an 11/10. 

4. Practice Gratitude
Man, this can be a hard one sometimes, can't it? I've tried to do this a lot more recently, and when I catch myself doing the opposite, I bring myself back. But that's the beauty of this journey. Practicing gratitude is just that... practice. It's not going to become ingrained in you over one night. or even a week. You have to constantly be conscious of yourself and your thoughts. 

One thing that has started to work for me, or rather two things at that: one, try writing down one thing each night that you're thankful for before you go to bed. If it's one of those days and you're in a funk and you can't think of anything else except "I'm thankful that I didn't forget my winter hat this morning," than write it. 

Secondly, instead of asking your significant other, your parents, your children, "how was your day?" Ask them "what made you happy today?" or "what are you grateful for that happened today?" This stimulates more conversation, BETTER conversation, and a deeper sense of thought. Don't forget to ask yourself the same question though... what AM I grateful for today? 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Oh, WMATA...

So, if you're in DC, you've likely heard or and/or been a part of one of Metro's delays (many delays for that matter). Usually, I'm one of those disgruntled passengers, but each time it happens, I learn to just let it be and let go. What am I going to do? I have a few alternate routes I can take to work which I'm lucky about, I also tend to bring my laptop home with me almost every night, so if it's really bad, I will just work from home in the comfort of my own PJs...with the fire on, and most likely a cat in my lap or beside me. But anyways, not to make you jealous or anything.

This morning seemed especially bad all around the DMV on the metro. Red line trains were breaking down left and right, Orange line track cracked. Something happened with the Silver Line. Doors were frozen shut, causing people to offload. Who knows what else was going on.

By the time I got on the train at let's say 7:40am, the operator said a couple minutes later, "passengers, we will be holding here until further notice. there are major delays on the redline." Now, usually the actual operator won't use the word "major." But this morning's commute called for it.

Honestly though, it only took me about 15 more minutes to get to work than it usually does. We were moving fairly normal, considering. But what make me smile and laugh about the ride is the operator of the train. He was awesome! So funny. I wish I had taken down the train/car number, because he really made light of the situation and made people "literally" laugh out loud. Here a few of my faves, that you can also see here on my Twitter.

"We have major delays on the red line. Trains have a bad attitude when it's cold, and they don't like to work." 

As we were approaching the first downtown station.... "We aren't getting there as fast as we normally would, but we're getting there." 

One that got the loudest and most amount of laughs... "I can see a train in front of us, and a train behind us. It's a sandwich, everyone. Just have a to pick what kind you want to be." 

Now, I'll be the first to say that all operators aren't this good, lighthearted and funny, but that makes me appreciate the ones who enjoy it. Anyways, be bad if you choose. There are definitely days that I am, for sure. And I certainly don't enjoy having to pay the ridiculous prices to be running late on average once a week. But hey, look on the bright side... they'll HAVE to have this fixed if DC hosts the 2024 Olympics ;)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thanksgiving Breakfast: Pumpkin Donuts

So I know this title is bringing us all back to 2014, but it's so worth it. I promise.

Back in September, I decided to make pumpkin donuts for a ladies' brunch we were having in the neighborhood. My "Sunday Morning" Pinterest board, aka breakfast/brunch, is full of recipes, only maybe a handful that I've actually gotten around to trying. So, since it was the beginning of the Fall season, I thought I'd give anything pumpkin a recipe. Since then I've made them one or two more times, finding that I've used different recipes almost every time.

I decided I'd bring them to a Thanksgiving breakfast we've been going to for a few years now in my parents' neighborhood. The night before though was an interesting use of trial and error, to say the least. I followed a recipe for a blog, however it only made 12 donuts, and I needed at least 18-24. Doubling the recipe didn't work, and I wasn't a big fan of how the blog combined all of the ingredients. So, I went with another recipe that I thought was better and made much more sense. 

I ordered my Wilton Nonstick 6-Cavity Donut Pan from Amazon for less than $8, and it was such a great (and yummy) investment!

Yield: 18 donuts 
Temperature of Oven: 350
Baking Time: 15-18 minutes

1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree (canned pumpkin)
1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin spice (I made my own, and I've included that mix below)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 3/4 cups (+2 tablespoons) all-purpose flour

Pumpkin Spice: 
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl except the flour. Beat ingredients until smooth. I use my Kitchen Aid with the baker's attachment.
2. Add in the flour slowly while mixing. Mix until just smooth.
3. Lightly grease the donut pan (if you have two, that's even better. It will make the process go a lot faster).
4. Fill the wells about 3/4 full
5. Bake for about 15-18 minutes, or until your tester is clear. (Just stick a fork or toothpick in it, and if it comes out dry/clear, then it's ready)
6. Let them sit for about 5 minutes and then empty onto a cooling rack.

Now, I've done this a few times now, and usually toss the donuts in a gallon ziploc bag of ground cinnamon and sugar. I usually just eye the amount I put in there, but for ingredient sake, here's my guess! Place in a ziploc bag, put a donut in there, zip it up and toss it around
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon

This recipe never gets old, and it's definitely going to become a staple in this house during the Fall! Enjoy!