Thursday, January 8, 2015

Oh, WMATA...

So, if you're in DC, you've likely heard or and/or been a part of one of Metro's delays (many delays for that matter). Usually, I'm one of those disgruntled passengers, but each time it happens, I learn to just let it be and let go. What am I going to do? I have a few alternate routes I can take to work which I'm lucky about, I also tend to bring my laptop home with me almost every night, so if it's really bad, I will just work from home in the comfort of my own PJs...with the fire on, and most likely a cat in my lap or beside me. But anyways, not to make you jealous or anything.

This morning seemed especially bad all around the DMV on the metro. Red line trains were breaking down left and right, Orange line track cracked. Something happened with the Silver Line. Doors were frozen shut, causing people to offload. Who knows what else was going on.

By the time I got on the train at let's say 7:40am, the operator said a couple minutes later, "passengers, we will be holding here until further notice. there are major delays on the redline." Now, usually the actual operator won't use the word "major." But this morning's commute called for it.

Honestly though, it only took me about 15 more minutes to get to work than it usually does. We were moving fairly normal, considering. But what make me smile and laugh about the ride is the operator of the train. He was awesome! So funny. I wish I had taken down the train/car number, because he really made light of the situation and made people "literally" laugh out loud. Here a few of my faves, that you can also see here on my Twitter.

"We have major delays on the red line. Trains have a bad attitude when it's cold, and they don't like to work." 

As we were approaching the first downtown station.... "We aren't getting there as fast as we normally would, but we're getting there." 

One that got the loudest and most amount of laughs... "I can see a train in front of us, and a train behind us. It's a sandwich, everyone. Just have a to pick what kind you want to be." 

Now, I'll be the first to say that all operators aren't this good, lighthearted and funny, but that makes me appreciate the ones who enjoy it. Anyways, be bad if you choose. There are definitely days that I am, for sure. And I certainly don't enjoy having to pay the ridiculous prices to be running late on average once a week. But hey, look on the bright side... they'll HAVE to have this fixed if DC hosts the 2024 Olympics ;)

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