Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Powder Room Update

In an effort to make our house feel more homey, we're working on it room by room. Our powder room seemed like an easy fix, so during our almost bi-weekly trip to Home Depot, we sought out shelves that we wanted to try out. We had one vision in mind and then saw this great shelf we loved, and ran with it. It ended up matching perfectly with the waste basket and toilet paper holder that was already in there! When we went to Michaels for one of their big Christmas sales, we fell in love with this frame and thought it was the perfect feel for the bathroom. I'm actually surprised we didn't get a few more of them because we both loved it!

The last photo I actually took on Friday night, a couple weeks after we actually finished it, but I realized I didn't have an updated version with the new photo and candles that we put in there. The photo in the frame is one of our one from when we took a walk around the Capitol when we lived at Navy Yard last November (2013). I love how it turned out and it's feeling more homey now. On to the rest of the house!

Before: (See how plain it is?! I can't believe we actually let it go that way for so long)


Now all we need is some color on the walls. And you're probably saying the same thing. However, we promised ourselves we would wait until the one-year mark because that's when our warranty is up. In other words, as part of this new home build process, the builder comes back at 11 months after move-in and checks the house for certain things, and fixes it. Examples include cracks in the walls as the foundation settles (we've already seen some, and come February we'll be taking to the walls with that gorgeous blue painters tape to everything that we see in preparation of our 11 months. To say that we've been in here for that long is beyond me, but that's for another day). Other things they'll check (and hopefully fix): nail pops, bowing of the hardwood floors, etc.

So until then, we'll love these blank walls... aka canvases!!

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