Thursday, January 15, 2015

So I ran a mile today...

That's right. A whole mile. To some that's just 1/4 of their warm up. For me, it's a good start (er, re-start). If you've looked in my bio, you've seen that I've done a triathlon (more to come on that at some point. It was a highlight of my life) and I like to run and workout on a normal basis. Well, that 'normal basis' stopped about 7 months ago for reasons I won't go into. I haven't had the motivation, the inspiration to run and workout as much as I used to. When we first moved into the new neighborhood, I was eager to explore the hilly streets, which I did pretty often for awhile. And then it (ok, I) stopped. All I had at the house were some 10lb weights, and after a few months of not doing anything, I realized that I couldn't do as much with the 10lb-ers as I used to. I got discouraged. I stopped. Besides, there was so much other stuff I could get done in the house, around the house and everywhere else except anything that had to with weights or working out. Right?

In comes our new office fitness center that's a total beaut. They had the opening party yesterday and it was officially open to gym-goers today. I prepared my gym bag last night, full of all the necessary items, including my new Stella and Dot travel hanging bag. I got a head start on the morning, took the metro in with Mr. K bright and early, and was only 1 of 3/4 people at the gym. I can't wait to start this new wave of working out, hoping it will motivate me and inspire me, keep me grounded in other aspects of life.

I followed the workout up with two of my egg muffins that I made on Tuesday night. Recipe to come tomorrow! But I'll tell you this much, it's fueled me already this morning, and I know it will take me to lunch (in addition to my coffee, of course). But it felt so good this morning to just open the fridge, grab a sandwich bag of two egg muffins and be on my merry way. It's the life of being prepared, and I wish I had discovered this way sooner in life. But better late than never they say, and I completely agree with this one.

Yesterday, while Mr. K and I were both working from home, we decided to defrost the whole family pack of chicken breasts and throw them in the crock pot. The shredded chicken was the foundation for our enchiladas last night, with homemade salsa of course; will be added to our salads for lunch today, dinner and meals tomorrow. Thus, being prepared again is getting to be pretty darn sweet. No need to over think things. The crock pot is your friend, so use it! The recipes for these meals also coming soon. Happy Thursday!

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