Saturday, January 10, 2015

Home for the Holidays

This was our first Christmas in our new home, and we couldn't have been happier! This year was a little bit more calm than last year, as we traveled to North Carolina the week before Christmas to spend time with Mr. K's family, which was so much needed, and so wonderful. It was so great going for a day or two more than we usually do, because we didn't feel as rushed as we normally do, trying to do a million things and see everyone we love in such a short time. We got to spend time with great family and friends and even find time to see a movie and relax.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family here, as my parents hosted my father's side of the family for Christmas Eve. I loved it! It was great seeing family we only see so often. I love how all of the cousins have grown up and grown together. Christmas Day was as lovely as always with my mom's side of the family. Again, cousins growing up and growing together and it's so much fun.

We did our own gifts after breakfast on Christmas Day. We're seeking out our own traditions, and although we haven't quite found them, we will over time! It was fun decorating our house for the first time, and funny to see the different decorations we've acquired over the year, thanks to good sales and my mom's great finds!

Somehow, a cat always makes a cameo in our photos

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