Friday, January 16, 2015

From Vogue: Do you need this?

As we go into the weekend, I think it's important to set a goal (or goals) for yourself to accomplish over the next three days. I found this great article posted on a blog I follow daily, Cottage and Vine, and it really got me thinking... I could really do some damage in my closet this weekend - going through summer and winter clothes to decide what I need and what I don't need. I already have boxes and bags ready to go to consignment and Goodwill, but they're sitting in our basement...not moving. I think this weekend would be the perfect time to purge! Let's see if we can fill up a trash bag, or medium-sized cardboard box to donate or sell. Use this flow chart from Vogue to help you find your way through that closet and purge!! Good luck! 

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